Lead Teachers

We have recruited a full contingent of Lead Teachers. 


Mastering Maths (MM)  is a research study that is investigating the effectiveness of the Mastery approach to the teaching of GCSE maths resit students that was developed and led by the University of Nottingham during the Centres for Excellence programme. Research of that found that the careful design of the programme resulted in improvements in students' GCSE scores: equivalent to an additional one month of additional learning in general, and equivalent to two months of additional learning for the most deprived students. Read more about this here.

This research study will investigate the effectiveness of the programme when implemented at scale.

What is the Lead Teacher role?

Lead Teachers will:

They will work closely with the team at the University of Nottingham at the early stages of the research study, attending two residential professional development sessions in Nottingham (3 days in June and 2 days in September).